Re: IRC problems & other fun?

Alexander L. Haiut (
Wed, 12 Oct 1994 17:44:52 +0200 (GMT+0200)

  Re, just 3 questions..

  1. You wrote :

> 	A while back the IRC main US ftp site, was broken into
>  and the irc clients there were replaced with code that had a back door.

     So, where the info comes from ?..

  2.  Where can I take the new src code ? I've used mirror-ftp-sites of, but not sure now what code will I find there..

  3.  What kind of backdoor installed (if you have such info) and how
      can I check my client (recompilation is fine, but I'll have to
      reinstall IRC on all machines in dept., to much work :) ??

   That's all! Thanks and bye...


  Alexander L. Haiut		 	
  Assistant System Administrator
  Math & CS dept., BGU, Israel
  WWW    :
  e-mail :
  voice  : +972-7-461658